Kats’ Kitchen

Chocolate Bourbon Pecan Pie Cupcakes with Butter Pecan Frosting February 27, 2015

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Bourbon Pecan Pie - 2

Not sure how to introduce these cupcakes, the title and picture does a pretty good job of that.  To say it simply, it is pretty much chocolate cake, pecan pie and some awesome frosting to finish it off.  It is good.  I had one for breakfast the morning after I made them…really, what’s the difference between a doughnut and a cupcake (besides that the cupcake is a bit boozy but thankfully all signs of that is baked out of it). I usually don’t enjoy my baked good I make till the next day.  Not saying I don’t try it but it always tastes better the next day.

The original recipe calls for 1 cup bourbon, I used 1 cup bourbon…after baking, it still had an extremely strong bourbon flavor (it does seem to mellow after a couple days :), although when you put the components together (filling & frosting) the cupcake is delicious.  When I make them again I will use 1/2 bourbon 1/2 coffee, which was a suggestion in the original recipe – just to tone it down a bit.

You may be overwhelmed by this recipe, this is not your basic whip together some cupcakes and spread on some frosting cupcakes.  These do take time.  If you want to make them I suggest making the the three components to them over at least 2 if not 3 days, it’ll make it easier on you.

The frosting only is delicious, so go ahead and skip the filling and the cupcakes will still be great!

Chocolate Bourbon Pecan Pie Cupcakes with Butter Pecan Frosting


1/2 cup bourbon*

1/2 cup coffee

1 cup canola oil

3/4 cup unsweetened cocoa powder

2 cups all­ purpose flour

1 1/4 cups sugar

3/4 teaspoon salt

1 1/2 teaspoons baking soda

2 large eggs

2/3 cup greek yogurt

**The original recipe calls for 1 cup bourbon.  I used the one cup and it was an extremely strong bourbon smell/flavor after baking.  The recipe also said 1/2 cup coffee could be substituted for half the bourbon, which is how I posted the recipe, this is how I would make them for now on – you can decide depending on how strong of the bourbon flavor you want to come out.  If you don’t want any bourbon flavor, I would suggest using 1 cup coffee.

Preheat oven to 350 degrees F. Line 2 standard cupcake pans with 18 liners.

In a stand-mixer bowl mix together the bourbon, coffee, canola oil and cocoa powder until smooth and creamy.  Add the eggs and greek yogurt and mix until silky smooth.  Beat in sugar.  Add the salt, baking soda and flour, mix just until incorporated.

Fill baking cups 3/4 full. Bake for about 18­-22 minutes. Allow to cool completely before filling.

Pecan Pie Filling

2 tablespoons cornstarch

1/4 cup cold water

1/2 cup brown sugar

3/4 cup corn syrup

3 eggs

1/4 teaspoon salt

1 cup chopped pecans

2 tablespoons bourbon

1 teaspoon vanilla extract

While the cupcakes are baking, make the pecan pie filling. Combine 1/4 cup cold water with 2 tablespoons cornstarch in a saucepan, whisk until smooth. Add the brown sugar, corn syrup, eggs, salt to the saucepan. Bring the mixture to a boil over med-high heat, whisking consistently.  Continue whisking consistently and let boil for about 5 minutes. Remove the mixture from the heat and stir in the pecans, bourbon and vanilla. Allow the mixture to cool a few minutes and then transfer to the fridge for at least one hour or until completely cooled and thickened.


1/4 cup (1/2 stick) butter

2/3 cup heavy cream

1 cup + 2 tablespoons packed brown sugar

1/2 cup (1 stick) butter, softened

3 cups powdered sugar

1 tablespoon + 1 teaspoon vanilla extract, divided

2 tablespoons bourbon

1/4 teaspoon cinnamon

1 1/2 cup finely chopped raw pecans

In a medium sauce pan, melt together 1/4 cup butter, cream, and brown sugar. Bring to a boil and boil for one minute. Remove from the heat and add to the bowl of a stand mixer. Place the bowl in the freezer until cool. (30 min-1 hr)

Preheat oven to 350 degrees F. Line a baking sheet with foil, spray with cooking spray.

In a bowl whisk together the bourbon, 1 tablespoon vanilla, 2 tablespoons brown sugar and cinnamon. Add pecans and stir to coat evenly. Transfer nuts to prepared baking pan. Bake for 15 to 20 minutes, stirring occasionally, until toasted. Remove and toss the pecans in a bowl with 1 tablespoon butter. Allow to cool 10 minutes, set aside.

Grab the cooled butter mixture from the freezer and add the remaining 1/2 cup room temperature butter, vanilla and powdered sugar to the bowl and beat together until combined, smooth and creamy. Mix in about 1/2 cup of the chopped pecans.

To assemble the cupcakes: Use a small paring knife to cut a cone­-shaped piece from the center of each cupcake. Fill the hole with the cooled pecan pie filling. (optional: cover the filling with leftover chocolate cupcake top that was cut out)  Spread with a thick layer of frosting.  Sprinkle each cupcake with the remaining pecans.

Recipe adopted from Half Baked Harvest